The Harvesters

2013 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
9 First Baptist Church 501 Bi State Boulevard             Delmar, MD 7:00 PM 410-896-3284
10 Montpelier Center Arts& Education 17205 Mountain Road  Montpelier, VA 6:00 PM 804-837-0406
11 Patrick Springs Christian Church 23716 Jeb Stuart Highway  Patrick Springs, VA 6:30 PM 276-694-3676
16 Lincoln Hills Christian  Church 1130 Dale Avenue NW             Corydon, IN 6:30 PM 812-738-8253
17 Liberty Baptist Church 2473 Yates Crossing Road         Ona, WV 5:00 PM 304-429-2588
18 Oakhurst Baptist Church 2225 S. Fayetteville Street Asheboro, NC 7:00 PM 336-325-3856
24 New Hope United Methodist Church 7163 New Hope Road               Denton, NC 6:00 PM 336-857-2728
25 Glendon Christian Church 148 Glendon Church Road  Glendon, NC 10:30 AM 910-464-1988
25 Hillside Presbyterian Church 3743 Maple Avenue                  Burlington, NC 7:00 PM 336-226-1727
30 Lakewood Camping Resort 5901 South Kings Highway  Myrtle Beach, SC 8:00 PM 877-525-3966
31 Grace Church of Nazarene 1029 Mt. Gallant Road         Rock Hill, SC 6:00 PM 803-366-4701
