The Harvesters


updated 10/14/24


Thank you for visiting our website! Please view our concert schedule; we would be happy to see you at as many of our concerts as possible. It is a real blessing for us to travel and spread the gospel in song.  We feel very blessed. 

I hope that you all experienced a wonderful summer! It’s hard to believe that fall is here and soon Christmas.

We welcome the glorious season of Autumn.  The spectacular displays or oranges, greens, yellows and reds will be adorning the highways and neighborhoods.  We will feel a chill in the air after a hot summer and welcome the lower temperatures.  We look forward to the piles of leaves, bowls of delicious soup, pumpkin patches, candy corn and offering thanks for all our blessings.

In the fall, God’s magnificent creation is evident in the harvest we enjoy.    Our name, The Harvesters, is deeply rooted in a harvest-----our purpose in our earthly journey is to Reap Souls for His Kingdom. It is our hope and prayer that we can plant a seed or provide spiritual food for those who already know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.   We grow in faith and spirituality each and every day.  We need constant nourishment to satisfy our insatiable desire for knowledge and spiritual guidance. Studying His word, attending church, concerts, Bible studies, and volunteering to help others are all ways to feed our spirit.

We thank all of you for your encouragement and support.  We look forward to seeing you on the road.   May God richly bless and keep each one of you safe.

Together in Christ’s love,

Danny Parker



