The Harvesters

2011 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
1 Symonds  Creek Tabernacle 460 Meadstown Road               Elizabeth City, NC 7:00 PM 252-312-6205
2 South Henderson Church of God 125 J.P. Taylor Road    Henderson, NC 10:30 AM 252-438-6179
9 Memorial Park Wesleyan Church 102 Leonard Street   Thomasville,NC 10:30 AM 336-476-0750
9 Hillcrest Baptist Church 18075 Al  Philpott     Ridgeway,VA 6:00 PM 276-957-2449
15 Baptist Home  Church CANCELLED 7:00 PM 336-670-2213
16 Community Baptist Church 1330 Burnetts Chapel Road Greensboro, NC 10:30 AM 336-674-0022
16 Middle Cross Baptist Church 440 Lucas Road                    Seven Lakes, NC 6:00 PM 910-673-6676
21 Peace Haven Baptist Church 2200 Booger Swamp Road  Yadkinville, NC 7:00 PM 888-238-6858
22 Trinity Baptist Church 4815 Six Forks Road        Raleigh, NC 7:00 PM 919-787-3740
23 Emmanuel Baptist Church 1643 McRae Road            Camden,SC 10:30 AM 803-432-8751
23 Roanoke Baptist Church 618 Roanoke Church Road   Monroe, NC 6:30 PM 704-283-6247
28 The Harvesters Anniversary Concert 1801 Nash Street                 Sanford,NC 7:30 PM 919-776-4055
30 Christian Fellowship Church 3232 Walker Drive                    Asheboro, NC 10:30 AM 336-302-3862
30 Southside Baptist Church 125 Cedar Creek Road      Biscoe, NC 6:30 PM 910-428-9243
