The Harvesters

2013 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
5 Mt. Calvary Community Church 6731 Beulah Street                 Alexandria, VA 7:30 PM 703-971-0165
6 Oak Forest Baptist Church 5100 Courthouse Road           Richmond, VA 6:00 PM 804-276-6547
7 Rhoadesville Baptist Church 26016 Lafayette Drive   Rhoadesville,VA 10:30 AM 540-219-1503
7 Riverside Baptist Church 20057 Teman Road   Beaverdam,VA 6:00 PM 804-449-6402
12 Beulah Baptist Church 5490 Ware Neck Road         Gloucester, VA 7:30 PM 804-693-6298
13 Holiday Travel Park Campground 14620 Drapers Mill Road Greensboro, MD 6:00 PM 410-482-6797
14 Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church 3135 Dublin Road                   Street, MD 10:45 AM 410-457-5229
14 Columbia Church of God 43 North 7th Street                    Columbia, PA 6:30 PM 717-684-3165
19 Paramount Theater 128 Front Street                         Burlington, NC 7:00 PM 336-222-5001
20 Azalea Baptist Church 3314 East Little Creek Road Norfolk, VA 7:00 PM 757-588-7000
21 Buckingham Baptist Church 24234 N. James Madison Hwy           New Canton, VA 10:00 AM 434-581-3820
21 Tree of Life Ministries 2812 Greenview Drive         Lynchburg, VA 5:00 PM 434-237-1572
26 American Gospel On Stage Video Broadcast Group Complex        Ft. Mill, SC    
27 Vaughn Quartet Festival N. Military Avenue        Lawrenceburg, TN 1:00 PM 800-547-6500

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