The Harvesters

2011 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
2 Dominion State Park 481 Dominion Valley Lane   Stuart, VA 5:00 PM 276-694-7009
3 Gatlinburg Convention Center 303 Reagan Drive                     Gatlinburg, TN 7:00 PM 888-238-6858
4 Farmers Day Festival Silk Hope, NC 2:00  PM 919-742-2972
10 Morrison's  Grove 2929 Hedrick Mill Road  Lexington, NC 6:00 PM 336-746-4100
11 Union Cross Friends Meeting 2533 Union Cross Church Rd   Yadkinville, NC 6:00 PM 336-961-8212
17 Chesterfield Baptist Church 16520 Hull Street Road   Moseley, VA 7:00 PM 804-739-2197
18 Mount Olivet Christian Church 38 Mount Olivet Church Rd Elkton, VA 10:30 AM & 1:30 PM 504-289-9702
18 Full Gospel Tabernacle 4500 Turner Road                     Richmond, VA 6:00 PM 804-559-4080
25 Jamestown Baptist Church 2501 9th Avenue                  Conway, NC 10:30 AM 843-248-4828
25 Ringel Heights Baptist Church 78 Rubin Avenue         Georgetown, SC 6:00 PM 843-546-6357
30 Denton Wesleyan Campground 424 East Wesley Circle        Denton, MD 6:30 PM 410-822-7689

   October  November